
China: Regulations on the Management of Algorithm Recommendation for Internet Information Services

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Chapter I General Provisions
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394 words
Chapter II Regulation of Information Services
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726 words
Chapter III Protection of User Rights and Interests
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Article 16
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Algorithmic recommendation service providers shall inform users in a clear manner of the conditions concerning the algorithmic recommendation services they provide and publish the general principles, purposes and operating mechanisms of the algorithmic recommendation services provided.

Policy areas

Regulatory Compliance and Transparency

Policy instruments

Public disclosure requirement

Regulatory requirements

Technical reference material disclosure requirement

Provision types

Article 17
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114 words
Article 18
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111 words
Article 19
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Article 20
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Article 21
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Article 22
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Chapter IV Supervision and Management
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535 words
Chapter V Legal Liability
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407 words
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
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52 words