
China: Regulations on the Management of Deep Synthesis Internet Information Services

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Chapter I General Provisions
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346 words
Chapter II Regular Provisions
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596 words
Chapter III Data and Technology Management Specifications
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Article 14
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Article 15
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Article 16
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Deep synthesis service providers shall adopt technical measures to add a mark to content generated or edited by their users without interfering with the use or save log information in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations

Policy areas

Content moderation

Policy instruments

Content moderation regulation

Regulatory requirements

Selected 1
Watermarking requirement

Provision types

Article 17
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Deep synthesis service providers shall add a noticeable mark at a reasonable position and area of the generated or edited content that may be misleading or confusing in order to alert the public of the use of deep synthesis services when they provide the following deep synthesis services:
(i) Services that simulate natural persons to generate or edit text, such as intelligent dialogue and writing
(ii) Services that generate synthetic voices or simulate voices, or significantly alter personal identity characteristics.
(iii) Services that generate images or videos of persons such as face generation, face swap, face manipulation, and gesture manipulation; and personal attribute editing.
(iv) Services that generate or edit immersive simulation scenes
Other services that generate or significantly alter content. Deep synthesis service providers offering services other than those provided in the preceding paragraph shall provide a function of adding a noticeable mark and alert users that they may add such marks themselves.

Policy areas

Content moderation

Policy instruments

Content moderation regulation

Regulatory requirements

Selected 1
Watermarking requirement

Provision types

Article 18
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No organization or individual may use technical tools to delete, alter, or conceal the deep synthesis mark provided for in Article 16 and Article 17 of these Regulations.

Policy areas

Content moderation

Policy instruments

Content moderation regulation

Regulatory requirements

Selected 1
Watermarking requirement

Provision types

Chapter IV Supervision, Management and Legal Liability
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358 words
Chapter V Supplementary Provisions
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323 words